segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2013

Burnet Rose is the name of the plant

Burnet Rose is the name of the plant

Catwhin. Rosa spinosissima. Burnet Rose is the name of the plant.

Cat with two tails. The earwig. Northumberland; Holloway.

Gil cat. A male cat; some say an old male. Nares says, an expression exactly analogous to "Jack ass;" the one being formerly called "Gil" or "Gilbert," as commonly as the other "Jack." "Tom cat" is now the usual term, and for a similar reason. "Tibert" is said to be the old French for "Gilbert." From "Tibert," "Tib," "Tibby," also was a common name for a cat. Wilkins, in his "Index to Philosophical Language," has "Gil" (male) cat in the same way as a male cat is called a "Tom" cat. In some counties the cock fowl is called a "Tom." It is unknown whence the origin of the latter term.

Fonte: Cats

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