sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2016

I am not a sentimentalist by any means. I abominate wanton cruelty.

I am not a sentimentalist by any means. I abominate wanton cruelty.

I am not a sentimentalist by any means. I abominate wanton cruelty.

I am not a sentimentalist by any means, yet I abominate wanton cruelty. I am fond of animals, yet not maudlinly so. I am not a vegetarian; and, although I neither believe that all animals were made for man’s use, nor that man was made for theirs (as, you remember, was the opinion of the pampered goose), still I think we are right to kill and to use them as food. So I am fond of fishing, and fond too of shooting, and I can see nothing in the Bible against either practice. The very reverse, indeed, and everywhere in nature we observe that God permits one animal to prey upon another; and can the Lord Himself do wrong?

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