sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2013

No animal is more fond and attentive than the cat

No animal is more fond and attentive than the cat

No animal is more fond and attentive than the cat; she is the most tender and gentle of nurses, watching closely every movement of her young. With the utmost solicitude she brings the choicest morsels of her own food, which she lays before them, softly purring, while with gentle and motherly ways she attracts them to the spot while she sits or stands, looking on with evident satisfaction, full of almost uncontrollable pleasure and delight, at their eager, but often futile attempts and endeavours to eat and enjoy the dainty morsel. Yet nothing is wasted, for after waiting what appears to her a reasonable time, and giving them every encouragement, and with the most exemplary patience, she teaches them what they should do, and how, by slowly making a meal of the residue herself, frequently stopping and fondling and licking them in the hope they will yet make another effort. What can be more sensitively touching than the following anecdote, sent to The Animal World by C. E. N., in 1876? It is a little poem of everyday life, full of deep feeling and feline love.

Fonte: Cats

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