quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2013

They are friendly with the dogs of the house

They are friendly with the dogs of the house

Mrs. Vyvyan further remarks:

"They are very affectionate and personally attached to their human friends, not liking to be left alone, and following us from room to room more after the manner of dogs than cats.

"They are devoted parents, the old father taking the greatest interest in the young ones.

"They are friendly with the dogs of the house, occupying the same baskets; but the males are very strong, and fight with great persistency with strange dogs, and conquer all other tom-cats in their neighbourhood. We lost one, however, a very fine cat, in China in this way, as he returned to the house almost torn to pieces and in a dying condition, from an encounter with some animal which we think was one of the wild cats of the hills.

Fonte: Cats

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