sábado, 23 de maio de 2015

The Partiality to the domestic Cat

The Partiality to the domestic Cat

The Partiality to the domestic Cat

"The Partiality to the domestic Cat, has been thus established. Some Years since, a Lady of the name of Greggs, died at an advanced Age, in Southampton Row, London. Her fortune was Thirty Thousand Pounds, at the Time of her Decease. Credite Posteri! her Executors found in her House Eighty-six living, and Twenty-eight dead Cats. Her Mode of Interring them, was, as they died, to place them in different Boxes, which were heaped on one another in Closets, as the Dead are described by Pennant, to be in the Church of St. Giles. She had a black Female Servant to Her she left One hundred and fifty pounds per annum to keep the Favourites, whom she left alive."

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