segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015

A few drops of solution of lime added to her milk will do good

A few drops of solution of lime added to her milk will do good

A few drops of solution of lime added to her milk will do good

A few drops of solution of lime added to her milk will do good.

If she be very much reduced in weight, and has no appetite, try two grains of quinine made into twelve pills with breadcrumb: dose, one three times a day. Or you may give cod-liver oil.

Dysentery is a frequent sequel to badly-treated diarrhoea. It is simply ulceration of the coats of the bowels, combined with great emaciation, roughness of coat, dejected look, and loss of appetite. Unless a very valuable cat, I would not advise you to keep her alive. You may, however, with patience, bring her round. Give her, then, a grain or two of calomel occasionally, and quinine three times a day, unless she exhibits any tendency to fits. House her well, and give her the most generous of diet raw meat, eggs, etc, and a little port wine daily, or even a small quantity of brandy.

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