quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2015

And a small allowance of raw meat

And a small allowance of raw meat

And a small allowance of raw meat

If there is much emaciation, cod-liver oil may be tried, and a small allowance of raw meat, cut into little bits; and quinine.

Bronchitis. This is a much more common and dangerous disease than is generally supposed. It often attacks cats at a particular age say, six or eight months and, indeed, is somewhat analogous to distemper in the dog. It is ushered in by the usual symptoms of a bad cold staring coat, watery eyes, and a slight cough. If the disease be confined to the lining membranes of the nose and throat, there will be but little cough, but it usually attacks the bronchi (windpipes) themselves. There is pain, a slight swelling of the nose, and mattery exudation from both nose and eyes. After a few days of the acute comes the chronic stage. Pussy is now a very wretched and unhappy little object indeed. She wanders about the house coughing continually, with her little tongue protruding. She gets rapidly thin, and refuses all food; and, if not attended to, generally seeks some quiet, dark corner in which to die.

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