quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2015

A well-bred cat is always particular

A well-bred cat is always particular

A well-bred cat is always particular

Now, as to what she drinks, a well-bred cat is always particular, and at times even fastidious; but two things they must have water and milk. They will often prefer the former to the latter. But do keep their dishes clean. Disease is often brought on from neglect of this precaution. Cats will drink tea or beer, and I have seen a Tom get as drunk as a duke on oatmeal and whisky. An old lady, an acquaintance of mine, has a fine red-and-white Tom, and whenever he is ailing she gives him “just a leetle drop o’ brandy, sir.” Tom, I think, must have had two little drops o’ brandy yesterday, when he rode my fox-terrier, Princie, all round the paddock. Those naughty drops o’ brandy!

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